Thursday, July 30, 2009

The BFF That Turns Into a Trifling Ass Trick!

Have you ever had a best friend, a girl was with with you through the thick and the thin since you both were in training bras? The girlfriend who comforted you during the high school breakups? The homie that held your hair back when you were throwing up after college parties? The devoted friend who you thought would stand by your side when you married your soul mate? Then somewhere between your college days and as you reach your thirties you see each other less and less? She avoids your calls? You hear she is talking shit behind your back? You realize somewhere down the line she became a trifling ass trick?

As we age, we evolve, our personalities change, our priorities change. Problem is as we change it isn't always for the better. Next thing you know you guys have less and less in common and have grown apart. You start to see your friend in a different light. You realize that your closest friend, just ain't worth our time anymore. She isn't the quality person you once thought she was. At some point she became a trifling ass trick.

That loyal friend you once had now runs her mouth about you for no damn reason telling random people all your private business and darkest secrets. That down ass chick starts acting salty with you when you get something new and great in your life like a good paying job, or a good man. That soul sista that used to uplift you when you were going through struggles in life starts to take pleasure in kicking you when your down.

You see these signs and address them with your friend. You try to find out why she is acting this way. She then acts stupid, tells you, you got the problem. You think you are all that cuz you got all these great things going for you. Why put up with her shit? Why continue to put up with the disrespect, humiliation, and salty feelings from someone you've know for so long?

I say fuck em! No one is worth being stressed over, especially since she ain't fucking you. Identify the signs when your BFF becomes that trifling ass trick. Cuss her ass out, scratch out her extensions if it will make you feel better. But please, please stop fucking with that trick!

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